Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Offensive Battle

In a game of speed chess, I checked my opponent four times in a row before mate.  Earlier in the game, he delivered three checks in a row. The game was a true offensive battle.  My opponent, Billybob111 of the USA, played white.  Here are the moves of the game along with my commentary:

1. d4 Nf6
2. e3 g6

White usually plays c4 here.

3. Be2 d5
4. h4 Bg7

I am ahead in development.

5. Nc3 Nc6

White's move suggests that he may not wish to castle kingside.

6. b3 e5
7. dxe Nxe5
8. Ba3 b6

The white bishop prevents me from castling kingside.

9. h5 c5
10. hxg fxg
11. Nf3 Nxf3+
12. Bxf3 Bb7

Material is even, but I have a space advantage.

13. Be2 Qd7
14. Bb5 Bc6
15. Bxc6 Qxc6

I am happy that white's powerful light-squared bishop is no longer on the board.

16. b4 0-0-0
17. bxc bxc
18. Qf3 Ne4

The white knight is pinned because my bishop targets the rook on a1.

19. Qg4+ Kc7
20. Qf4+ Kb7
21. Rb1+ Ka8

White has no more checks.

22. Rb3 Nxc3

White blunders.  With the rook on b1, the knight is no longer pinned.  Here he should play Nxe4. Now I win a piece.

23. Rxc3 Bxc3+
24. Ke2 d4

I want to open more lines of attack against the white king.

25. f3 Qb5+
26. Kd1 dxe+
27. Kc1 Bd2+
28. Kd1 Bb4+
29. Kc1 Bxa3#

It is special to have four consecutive checks and then deliver mate. The white queen and rook are unable to come to the defence of the king. Though queen pawn openings often lead to closed games, this one becomes very open.

This game is memorable for several reasons.  White never castles in the game, and I decide to castle queenside.  We both have relatively exposed kings, and we deliver a series of checks.  The difference is that I win a piece on the 23rd move, and later use a discovered check to win another piece and mate the white king.

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