Friday, January 15, 2021

Names of Cities in Russian

Russian uses the Cyrillic alphabet, an alphabet similar to that of Greek. Even those who are unfamiliar with the Cyrillic alphabet may be able to recognize the cities on this list. First I will write the names of twenty-five Russian cities and then I will write the equivalents in English.

1. Нью-Йорк
2. Париж
3. Лондон
4. Токио
5. Манила
6. Торонто
7. Чикаго
8. Сеул
9. Пекин
10. Москва
11. Будапешт
12. Рим
13. Берлин
14. Каир
15. Сан-Паулу
16. Джакарта
17. Мюнхен
18. Лос-Анджелес
19. Найроби
20. Прага
21. Монреаль
22. Вена
23. Сидней
24. Гавана
25. Мумбаи

1. New York
2. Paris
3. London
4. Tokyo
5. Manila
6. Toronto
7. Chicago
8. Seoul
9. Beijing
10. Moscow
11. Budapest
12. Rome
13. Berlin
14. Cairo
15. Sao Paulo
16. Jakarta
17. Munich
18. Los Angeles
19. Nairobi
20. Prague
21. Montreal
22. Vienna
23. Sydney
24. Havana
25. Mumbai

A few of the Cyrillic letters have different values in the Roman alphabet. The Cyrillic c, h and p correspond to the Roman s, n and r. Of the twenty-five cities, the ones most easily identified by those unfamiliar with Cyrillic are perhaps the cities Moscow, Tokyo and Toronto.

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