Monday, January 14, 2013

Victory Without Castling

In a game of speed chess against Andyhk of China, I could not castle but emerged victorious.  Playing as white, I chose to open with the King's Gambit, an exciting opening that offers a pawn for rapid development.  Here are the moves of the game along with my commentary:

1. e4 e5
2. f4 d6

Black declines the offer of a pawn.

3. Nf3 Bg4
4. Be2 exf

Black decides to accept the pawn.

5. d4 Bxf3

Black gives up his bishop but can now check with the queen on h4.

6. Bxf3 Qh4+

7. Ke2 Nf6

Black has taken away my right to castle.

8. Nc3 Nc6
9. e5 dxe

Perhaps black thinks he has won a pawn.

10. Bxc6+ bxc6
11. dxe Qg4+

Ng4 is a better move for black.

12. Kf2 Qh4+

Black makes a bad move.

13. g3 fxg+
14. hxg Ng4+

Black uses a check to escape the double attack.

15. Kg2 Qe7

The knight is no longer protected.

16. Qxg4 Qxe5

The black queen captures a pawn, but with the black king in the centre of the board this is risky.

17. Bf4 Qf6
18. Rae1+ Be7
19. Bg5 Qd6

I take advantage of the pin on the black bishop.

20. Rxe7+ Kf8
21. Rhe1 g6

Black makes another bad move.  The move h6 is better, but black is clearly losing.

22. Bh6+

Black decides to resign.  The only possible move is Kg8.  I then play Re8+.  Black must play Rxe8 and then I mate with Rxe8.  Since mate cannot be avoided, Black ends the game here.

Black manages to prevent my king from castling by checking with his queen.  However, black's twelfth move, Qh4+, is a mistake which exposes him to a double attack.  Two other factors in his loss are his exposed king and his two rooks which never leave their original squares.

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