Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mexican Children's Song

Francisco Gabilondo Soler wrote many songs for children that are well-known in Mexico. I used to listen to them as a child. My favourite was "El Chorrito" which means "The Little Jet" referring to the little jet shooting out of a fountain. Here is the Spanish text along with my English translation.

La gota de agua que da la nube como regalo para la flor
En vapor se desvanece cuando se levanta el sol;
Y nuevamente al cielo sube hasta la nube que la soltó.
La gotita sube y baja, baja y sube al compás de esta canción.

Allá en la fuente había un chorrito, se hacía grandote se hacía chiquito; (2x)
Estaba de mal humor, pobre chorrito tenía calor. (2x)

En el paisaje siempre nevado acurrucado sobre el volcán
Hay millones de gotitas convertidas en cristal.
En el invierno la nieve crece, en el verano la funde el sol.
La gotita sube y baja, baja y sube al compás de esta canción.

Ahí va la hormiga con su paraguas y recogiéndose las enaguas, (2x)
Porque el chorrito la salpicó y sus chapitas le despintó. (2x)

The drop of water which the cloud gives as a present for the flower
Dissipates into vapour when the sun rises;
And rises again to the sky up to the cloud which released it.
The little drop rises and falls, falls and rises to the compass of this song.

Over there in the fountain there was a little jet,
It made itself big, it made itself small. (2x)
It was in a bad mood, poor little jet was hot. (2x)

On the always snowy landscape nestled over the volcano
Are millions of little drops converted into crystal.
In winter the snow grows, in summer the sun melts it.
The drop rises and falls, falls and rises to the compass of this song.

There goes the ant with its umbrella and picking up its petticoats (2x)
Because the little jet splashed it and discoloured its cheeks. (2x)

This song is much more beautiful in the original Spanish language because the rhyme and rhythm are lost in the English translation. It is a classic among Mexican songs for children.


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