Sunday, July 7, 2019

Hungarian Inessive and Superessive with Demonyms

In Hungarian foreign demonyms combine with the inessive, but Hungarian demonyms combine with the inessive and the superessive. The inessive and the superessive are both postpositions and express the meaning in. For foreign demonyms, the suffix variants are -ban and -ben, but with Hungarian demonyms, the superessive variants -en, -n. -on and -ön are also used.

Here is a list of foreign demonyns with the inessive in Hungarian:

in Beijing Beijingben
in Berlin Berlinben
in Cairo Kairóban
in London Londonban
in Moscow Moszkvában
in Munich Münchenben
in New York New Yorkban
in Paris Párizsban
in Shanghai Shanghaiban
in Tokyo Tokióban
in Toronto Torontóban

Now we have a list of Hungarian demonyms with the inessive and the superessive:

in Budapest Budapesten
in Debrecen Debrecenben
in Esztergom Esztergomban
in Fertőd Fertődön
in Kecskemét Kecskeméten
in Miskolc Miskolcon
in Nyíregyháza Nyíregyházán
in Sopron Sopronban
in Szeged Szegeden
in Szombathely Szombathelyen
in Visegrád Visegrádon

Hungarian uses a greater number of suffix variants with Hungarian denonyms than with foreign ones. The suffix variant -ban is used with back vowels and -ben is used with front vowels. In the case of Hungarian demonyms, the superessive variants are also used. The suffix variant -ön follows front rounded vowels, -on follows back vowels and -en follows front unrounded vowels.

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