Sunday, May 5, 2019

English Roots and Affixes

Many English words are composed of a combination of roots and affixes. Affixes can be derivational or inflectional. Derivational affixes create a new grammatical category, but inflectional ones do not. Here is a list of ten English words with their roots and affixes:

accidentally  accident + al + ly
autobiographical  auto + bio +graph + ic + al
disappointment  dis + appoint + ment
hypersensitivity  hyper + sense + itive + ity
interactions  inter + act + tion + s
internationalization inter + nation + al + ize + ation
irreplaceable ir + re + place + able
midfielder mid + field + er
mismanagement  mis + manage + ment
uncomfortable  un + comfort + able

The word accidentally has two derivational suffixes. The suffix -al creates an adjective and -ly creates an adverb. The word disappointment has a prefix and a suffix. The prefix and the suffix both attach to verbs, but the suffix converts the verb to a noun. The plural affix -s is inflectional. It does not create a new grammatical category but rather a change in grammatical meaning.

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